Our eco-friendliness rating
See the wood for the trees with our eco filter. It really helps make your decision when it comes to selecting eco products. We’ve created a really simple but hopefully effective tool to help you make an educated product choice without blinding you with too much information (it’s there in the product spec if you want to hunt for it...!)
So, each leaf represents one of the following 3 attributes:

There are loads...FSC (the Forest Stewardship Council), PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification), Nordic Swan Ecolabel, EU Flower Ecolabel, Blue Angel, LovePaper, Fairtrade, Rain Forest Alliance and of course ISO 14001 to name a few. There's some others but these are the main ones.

Easy Peasy

Into the Green Bin please or down to your recycling centre. Obviously this is down to you not to just sling it in the bin but we know you wouldn't do that as you're one of the good ones, that's why you're buying from here already.
Some of our top eco heroes
Let's break this down

1 Leaf
So all in all if the product has 1 leaf you know it's pretty good as it'll have one of the above - hooray. There are over 11000 one leafers to find here.

2 Leaves
If it's got 2 leaves - well that's even better and if you want to know which ones - have a sneaky peek at the product description and specification. Hunt down one of just under 5000 2 leafers.

3 Leaves
Now if it's god all 3 leaves - find and dandy - you've struck onto one of our rare eco-warriors here. There are only just over 2500 of them so rarer than hens teeth!
Hope that explains it all but of course if you're a detail dude then drop us a note and we'll do our best to dish all the dirt (on the product cheeky).
What do our customers think?
Cudd Bentley
You are an absolute God send!! Thank you so much, you’re amazing. I genuinely appreciate you making this process so incredibly easy for me.
Just wanted to say thanks for all your help over the last few months, been a delight to work with and you are certainly on my list for anything I need in the future.
It's so much easier dealing with you guys. Everything is so easy to find and well organised. Such a user-friendly site. I have been kept informed all the way. I wished I'd found you sooner
Skybound Wealth
That’s wonderful, thank you so much for that and for helping find us a bottle opener! Great service!